Work It Wednesday - Marcy McMillan
Welcome to another edition of Work It Wednesday, where we chat with inspiring, up-and-coming entrepreneurs and influencers in the GTA! This week, we're profiling #GIRLBOSS Marcy and we could not be more excited - this gal truly does it all. Just keep reading to learn more..
1. First off, share a little about YOU. Who IS Marcy McMillan?
Professionally, I am a strategic communicator and overuser of GIFs and emojis. I am also the Communications Coordinator and the Social Media lead with the Toronto District School Board and in whatever free time I manage to have left, I am also a freelancer, working with many new and small businesses on their PR and social strategies. All this experience has lead to me being awarded PR in Canada's Top 30 under 30 in 2016 and this year, receiving the same award but in a specialty category for social media. You can usually find me tweeting about reality TV - and I have no shame when it comes to posting photos of my delicious eats!
2. What inspired you to become one of the city's up-and-coming bloggers?
What a compliment, I’m blushing. I’ve always been lucky enough to know that I wanted to work within the communications sector. Blogging has given me the opportunity to work on the corporate side of things in a full-time capacity but at the same still be able to be creative and feature things I enjoy.
3. How do you decide what topics to write about?
If you know me or follow me on social media, you know I am very transparent when it comes to the things I post or write about. There have been times where I have had to turn things down in the past, as I only write about my honest experiences. But it is those things that make writing easy. I find that when you’re struggling to find the right words, i'll automatically know it's not the topic for me!
4. As you mentioned, in 2016, you were awarded one of PR in Canada's Top 30 Under 30. From your experience, what sets someone apart in the PR world?
PR is one of the industries that ironically has its own reputation and it is a career you can give or take as much as you want out of it. That alone will set you apart. Not to mention being fearless as an introverted extrovert (yes, it’s a thing), putting yourself out there and taking risks to think outside-of-the-box in the kind of world we now live in when it comes to all aspects of PR like content creation, blogging and social media is critical, too.
5. What is one of the biggest challenges you've faced in building your career?
One of the biggest challenges is always striving for what’s next and feeling confident that you’ve made the right decision. Whether that be in the work you’re doing, your current job or what your next move may be. I took a huge risk leaving my small town to move to the city and as someone who had never ridden public transit before, I like to think it paid off.
6. How do you #workit everyday?
Tea. Tea is the answer to everything. But also, as much as I love to work hard, I also have to have fun. What’s even better is when those worlds collide. Whether it’s in the office, on my couch or away for the weekend, you won’t find me without a device (it’s a problem, I know), a notebook, music playing and a book. And when you find the little things that make you happy, it makes being able to #workit that much better.
7. Favourite app?
My favourite app would be Snapchat or Twitter (please don’t make me choose between the two). Snapchat is the raw and unfiltered version of my life that I don’t have to worry as much when it comes to posting and Twitter is my go-to for everything. It’s where I’ve made so many great connections and have been able to create a voice and express my opinion (filtered and unfiltered).
8. Favourite inspirational quote and why?
“I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I always knew the woman I wanted to be.”
― Diane Von Furstenberg